Month: March 2023


Are You an Optimist or Toxically Positive? Spot the Signs

Mindset is a critical, often overlooked component of health — especially as we learn to view health beyond outward appearance. Ditching negative thoughts is a good first step, but replacing them with a “good vibes only” mentality can be equally detrimental, a state of mind referred to increasingly as toxic positivity. A wholesale rejection of […]


Olympia Legend Dorian Yates Describes His Favorite Back Exercise

A tried and true favorite for a legend. Written by Robert Zeglinski Last updated on March 16, 2023 It’d be easy to assume that most world-class bodybuilders have bread and butter exercises when it comes to training. They’ll have a movement they specifically prefer to augment a part of their physique. Mr. Olympia legend Dorian […]


26 Best Running Gear to Pack for Destination Races, According to Runners

Taper tantrums—the tricks your mind and body play on you as you start decreasing miles the last weeks prior to a race—are not uncommon for runners, and destination races often only exemplify them. All the anxiety about making it to the starting line is elevated even more when you factor in transportation, time differences, language […]


28 Best Walking Shoe Deals to Shop Right Now: Adidas, Nike, Hoka, Asics

Just in time for the weather to turn balmy, we’ve noticed a trend of walking shoe sales at some of our favorite retailers. Whether you’re a daily walk advocate or looking to start up a new routine, walking is a great way to ease aches and pains, boost your mood, and, right now, embrace the springtime […]


How to Do the Neutral-Grip Lat Pulldown for a Bigger Back

Due to their prominence, well-developed back muscles have been described as wings. Want wing-like back muscles? On the short list of things that allegedly “give you wings” are energy drinks, good deeds, and upper body vertical pulling. After consuming energy drinks throughout my younger years, I can dispatch the first claim. Alertness and insomnia? Yes. […]


A Bodyweight Circuit That Also Counts as Cardio

When you don’t have a ton or time or any exercise equipment at your disposal, consider a bodyweight circuit that combines strength and cardio for a quick-yet-seriously challenging workout. We have a stellar example below that you can do in about 25 minutes or less! Pairing strength and cardio together in a bodyweight circuit format can […]


Jessica Buettner Ties All-Time Raw Squat PR of 220 Kilograms (485 Pounds)

Yet another stacked lift for Buettner. Written by Robert Zeglinski Last updated on March 15, 2023 It is said an immovable force can do nothing to an immovable object. Whoever believes this clearly never watched “The Canadian Forklift” Jessica Buettner pick up very heavy objects in the gym. On Mar. 13, 2023, Buettner shared an […]