Month: April 2023


Joe Mackey Scores A 362.8-Kilogram (800-Pound) Four-Rep Deadlift PR

The strength star made this rep PR look like a breeze. Written by Robert Zeglinski Last updated on April 17, 2023 Some bodybuilders make it a point mainly to showcase their ripped, stacked physiques. They typically demonstrate their remarkable training progress through pictures and posing videos. Versatile bodybuilder and powerlifter Joe Mackey still generally adheres […]


How To Watch the 2023 World’s Strongest Man

Here’s how you can keep up with all the action in Myrtle Beach. Written by Robert Zeglinski Last updated on April 17, 2023 The biggest contest in strongman, the 2023 World’s Strongest Man (WSM), will take place on Apr. 19-23, 2023. After occurring in Sacramento, CA for 2021 and 2022, this year’s edition is changing […]


Ronnie Coleman Credits Flex Wheeler For Helping Start His Mr. Olympia Dynasty

Despite being rivals, Coleman thinks Wheeler helped him become a legend. Written by Robert Zeglinski Last updated on April 17, 2023 In the late 1990s and early 2000s, Ronnie Coleman and Ken “Flex” Wheeler had a great bodybuilding rivalry. Of his eight overall Mr. Olympia victories from 1998 to 2005, Coleman would best Wheeler for […]


Is Papaya Good for Weight Loss? Discover the Benefits

Losing weight is a common struggle that many people worldwide deal with. Moreover, finding the proper diet to help shed those extra pounds can take effort and even a little trial and error. People are always watchful about what they eat. But could papaya be the solution? While no single food can magically melt fat […]


24 Songs That’ll Make Your Cooldown Extra Chill

Cooldowns can be a little like dentist appointments. You know you should do it, but when the time comes, it’s so easy to come up with an excuse and talk yourself out of it. Maybe you bargain with yourself: Next time, I’ll stop my workout five minutes earlier, so I definitely have time to do a […]


Étapes simples pour une vie extraordinaire : Master class La belle vie avec Jonathan Fields

Les philosophes en ont débattu pendant des siècles. Les scientifiques ont collecté et examiné des tonnes de données. Des experts comme Jonathan Fields, hôte de deux excellents podcasts (Good Life Project® et SPARKED™), ont consacré des décennies à approfondir cette question très importante et largement réfléchie. Que signifie vivre la belle vie ? Le thème Mindset […]


JF Caron Will Attempt Strongman Comeback In Late 2023

After injuries seemingly ended his career, Caron is planning a strongman return. Written by Robert Zeglinski Last updated on April 14, 2023 When it comes to prolific, successful resumes, few modern strongmen might be able to match the profile of Jean-François Caron, aka “JF Caron.” Later this year, the 40-year-old strongman world could see the […]