Month: May 2023


The Best Black Coffee Recipe For Weight Loss

Black coffee is low-calorie and contains antioxidants to help you lose weight. In addition, some scientific evidence suggests that black coffee benefits weight loss. Black coffee is a low-calorie drink that contains caffeine, which increases metabolism. In addition, it stimulates the breakdown of fat cells in the body. Caffeine can also increase energy expenditure and […]


Chicken Recipe For Losing Weight

Weight loss and protein intake are closely associated. Many experts talk about the importance of protein for weight loss. That is because protein helps build and repair muscles. It also supports the immune system and keeps you full and satisfied after meals, reducing the likelihood of overeating. In addition, when you consume protein, your body […]


Soya Chunks for Weight Gain: Here’s How it Helps

In today’s fast-paced world, we often find ourselves bombarded with advice on how to lose weight, but what about those who want to gain weight? While being overweight can pose health risks, being underweight can also harm one’s health. Maintaining a healthy body weight is crucial; gaining weight is essential for some. Unfortunately, insufficient talk […]


Is Fish Good For Weight Loss: The Ultimate Catch

Fish, the ultimate catch for seafood lovers, has always been a favourite food for many. As a result, people have incorporated fish into their diets, from mouth-watering salmon to succulent tuna, due to its delicious taste and many health benefits. But the million-dollar question is, ‘Is fish good for weight loss?’. The following sections of […]


Is Khichdi Good For Weight Loss? A Bowl Of Comfort

Khichdi is a dish that is synonymous with comfort food in India. One can call it India’s favourite one-pot meal. It has a light yet tasty flavour. It is a wholesome meal made with a combination of rice and lentils. People often cook it with an array of vegetables, spices or even herbs. This dish […]


Is Jackfruit Good for Weight Loss? Let’s Find Out

Jackfruit, a tropical fruit with a spiky exterior and a sweet, juicy interior, is a staple in the coastal states of West Bengal, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Karnataka in India. Although it disappeared from the Indian market for a few years as people were unaware of its nutritional benefits, it has recently regained popularity due […]


Is Rava Good for Weight Loss? All You Should Know

Rava, or Semolina, is a popular ingredient in Indian cuisine. It is used to make various dishes like upma, idlis, and sheera. Rava is known for its versatility and ability to add texture and flavour to any dish. In some parts of India, it is referred to as Rava; in others, it is known as […]


Is Quinoa Good for Weight Loss? Exploring The Superfood’s Potential

Quinoa, the small yet mighty seed, has become the talk of the health and fitness world in recent years. Many people are touting it as a superfood for weight loss. As more and more people look for healthier options to incorporate into their diets, quinoa has become a staple for those seeking a nutrient-dense food […]


Top 20 Vegetables Good for Weight Loss

Vegetables are a vital part of our meals. It is no secret that a meal is incomplete without vegetables. They are versatile, easy to cook, and come in various colours, shapes, and sizes. While we know that they are good for our health, we might not be aware of the specific benefits that certain vegetables […]