Month: September 2023


How to Do Three-Legged Downward Facing Dog

Three-legged downward facing dog, or tri pada adho mukha svanasana in Sanskrit, is an asymmetrical yoga pose designed to test your balance and transition your body from downward facing dog (adho mukha svanasana) to other yoga postures with ease. This pose is fantastic for beginners because it prepares your body to do deeper yoga postures like crescent lunge […]


How to Do the Single-Leg Deadlift

The best exercises check several boxes at once: They work a ton of muscle groups, improve balance, hone coordination, and promote athleticism. All of this is true of the single-leg deadlift, a classic multi-tasker that can challenge newbies and gym rats alike. “I love the versatility of single-leg deadlifts,” says Jolie Kobrinsky, RKC, TRX, owner […]


Best Massage Guns for Runners, Back Pain, Under $100, and More (2023)

We receive free products and receive commissions through our links. See disclosures page. When stretching and foam rolling aren’t enough to ease post-workout muscle soreness, a massage gun can help provide some relief. The best massage gun is designed to help reduce lactic acid buildup, promote recovery after a tough training session, and increase blood […]


What Is Fascia? Learn Why This Connective Tissue Is So Important

If you’ve spent any time in the fitness world, you’ve undoubtedly heard of fascia. Usually, it’s within the same breath as words like “tightness,” “rolling,” and “releasing.” Here’s what you need to know about fascia. What Is Fascia? Fascia is an intricate matrix of collagen fibers that acts like “a full-body wetsuit that wraps around […]


What Are Sugar Alcohols and Should You Avoid Them?

Sugar alcohols are sweet organic chemical compounds commonly used as a sugar substitute. Because they don’t impact blood sugar in the same way regular sugar does, they can be beneficial to individuals who are looking to control their blood sugar levels or intake. Products that include them are often marketed as “low-carb” or “sugar-free.” Here’s […]


Best Functional Trainers of 2023 for Small Spaces, With Smith Machines, and More

We receive free products and receive commissions through our links. See disclosures page. Whether you are just starting your fitness journey or are ready to upgrade your workouts, a functional trainer can elevate your home gym experience by adding hundreds of cable exercises to your arsenal. Despite their versatility, they’re also one of the most […]


How to Do Pigeon Pose in Yoga (Kapotasana)

In nearly a decade of teaching yoga, I’ve yet to encounter a student who’s lukewarm on pigeon pose. Yoga students either love this hip opener or hate it. Pigeon pose, or kapotasana, feels amazing when you do it right — the front leg externally rotates to stretch the hip, while the back leg affords the flexors a good […]


Strike a Pose! Become a Better Runner With the Pose Method

If you want to reap more benefits and experience fewer injuries from running, try the Pose Method. Pose running is popular in CrossFit, and it’s gaining momentum in other sports. Here, we explain what pose running is and why you should give it a try. What Is the Pose Method of Running? The Pose Method […]