Month: December 2023


Tres maneras de empezar a cumplir tus objetivos para 2024

En lugar de fijarnos metas ambiciosas y de privarnos, designamos enero como un momento para apreciarnos por lo que somos y honrar las pequeñas decisiones que podemos tomar con el objetivo de mejorar nuestras vidas. En honor al segundo Mes Mundial de Health Esteem, volvemos con consejos prácticos e ideas para quererte a ti mismo […]


3 façons de te lancer pour atteindre tes objectifs de 2024

Plutôt que de se fixer des objectifs ambitieux, souvent synonymes de privations, nous avons décidé que le mois de janvier serait l’occasion de montrer notre appréciation pour la personne que nous sommes et d’honorer tous les petits choix que l’on peut faire pour améliorer notre vie. En l’honneur de la deuxième édition du mois de […]


How Some of the World’s Top Athletes Rest and Recharge

It’s restful for a couple reasons, she says. First, being alone helps her mentally—“I have a moment to myself to either reflect on my day or to just be present and enjoy being outside,” Mastro says. And the gentle, low-impact movement helps her body kick start recovery mode after putting in some tough training. “Having […]


13 Low-Carb Fruits, Ranked From Least to Most

Fruit is a staple of a healthy diet, a perfect snack, and a great on-the-go breakfast. But if you’re on a low-carb diet, does the sugar that’s naturally present in fruit make it off limits? Are there any low-carb fruits you can eat and still stay on-track? Overall, the answer is yes. “People believe that fruits […]


How to Do the Squat Jack for Quad, Glute, and Core Strength

Squats are popular for a reason. No matter which variation you choose, they not only help build a stronger lower body, but also fire up your core and increase range of motion when performed correctly. Jumping jacks, too, deserve the esteemed reputation they’ve had with fitness since, well, forever. They build stamina, burn calories, and boost cardiorespiratory endurance. What’s more […]


3 Ways to Get Started on Your 2024 Goals

In 2023, we proposed a new tradition for the New Year: World Health Esteem Month. Instead of pushing ambitious goal-setting and deprivation, we designated January as a time to appreciate ourselves for who we are and honor the small choices we can make to enhance our lives. In honor of the second annual World Health […]


How to Do Cat-Cow Pose in Yoga (Bitilasana and Marjaryasana)

Cat-cow pose is a great warm-up or cool-down posture. It feels wonderful first thing in the morning, or after a long day spent sitting, or as active recovery from a tough workout. This gentle flow is appropriate for yoga students of all levels and is excellent for the spine. While technically two poses, cat and cow are […]


8 Yoga Backbends to Stretch and Strengthen Your Spine

When you first learn how to do a backbend, you’ll almost immediately feel its benefits on your body, like the relief in the muscles around your spine. But as you progress into deeper, more challenging poses, they can also build more confidence to help you lean out of your comfort zone. “Given that we can’t […]


The 26 Best Workout Songs of 2023

“Sentimental” might not be the first word you’d use to describe your 2023 workout playlist, but hear me out: If you look back on all the songs you saved this year, it’s likely a pretty perfect time capsule. The playlist you move to again and again brings together the tracks that got you up in […]


How to Do the Crab Walk

If you were the MVP of your “crab soccer” team in elementary school, you’re in luck — the crab walk exercise is back. Dust off those crab-walking skills and see how this old-school exercise can give you a great total-body workout. Crab Walk: Step-by-Step Instructions Sit on the ground and bend your knees so the […]