Month: January 2024


The Fix for Your Knee Pain Is… Walking Backward?

Not since the advent of the moonwalk has walking backward had such a moment. TikTok and Instagram are filled with videos of physical therapists and fitness influencers touting the benefits of walking backwards, aka retro walking. You may have also noticed people at the gym (and not just that one attention-seeking weirdo) walking backwards on […]


Andrea Rogers’ 7 Favorite Pilates Leg Exercises

No doubt about it: Pilates exercises offer incredible benefits for the core. But when it comes to the best leg exercises, Pilates can also provide a major boost, according to Andrea Rogers, founder of Xtend Barre and XB Pilates. Best of all, the practice uses compound moves, so you’ll feel those Pilates “leg” exercises working other areas of your body, too. Pilates can […]


When to Drink a Protein Shake

If you’re tuned in to your nutrition, you may have wondered: When’s the best time to drink a protein shake? But…that’s not really the question you should be asking. Despite the focus on the “perfect” time to consume protein, how much you consume is more important than when, according to researchers. We metabolize proteins in our bodies over a period […]


National Almond Day: 4 Healthy Almond Recipes to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth

On January 23rd National Almond Day shines a spotlight on the goodness of almonds, frequently cherished for their delightful, versatile, and nutritious contributions to the diet. Almonds bring a delightful crunch to breakfast favourites like oatmeal, serve as a handy on-the-go snack, and transform into creamy almond butter or delicious almond milk when you are […]


Why You Should Do Yoga on Your Recovery Day

So, you’ve got your workout routine down to a science: strength training three days a week, cardio twice, mobility work during Netflix binges. You’re killing it. But as a wise trainer once said, a workout is only as good as your capacity to recover from it. If you hit the gym hard and don’t give equal attention to rest, nutrition, sleep, and other recovery […]


How to Do the Hip Thrust Exercise to Reboot Your Glutes

Although this exercise may be called the hip thrust, you’re really going to appreciate what it does for your butt. In fact, hip thrusts can fire up your entire posterior chain, according to Holly Perkins, C.S.C.S., Los Angeles-based trainer and author of Lift to Get Lean. That can help reduce your risk of low back pain and also […]


How to Do the Single-Arm Dumbbell Row to Light Up Your Back, Arms, and Abs

When building a workout routine, you really can’t go wrong with functional exercises, or ones that mirror actions you do in daily life. One prime example? The single-arm dumbbell row, an upper-body smoker that also sneakily hits your core—while providing a bunch of other benefits, too. Here, we dig into all the one-arm row has […]


Pea Protein vs Soy Protein: Which Is Better?

The number of plant-based protein powders is constantly increasing, which is great for vegans and vegetarians! But too many options can lead to confusion and indecision. Even if you manage to drill it down to two popular options — pea protein vs soy protein — how do you know which is best for you? You […]


6 Sleep Positions and What They Say About You

Some sleep experts would have you believe there are three basic ways to sleep: back, stomach, or side. But for anyone who has tossed and turned trying to find the perfect sleep position, you know there are a million and one ways to contort yourself while trying to catch some elusive zzz’s. We think some of […]


10 Fitness Class Rules Every Newbie (and Regular!) Should Know

There’s always an influx of new exercisers into yoga, strength, and other fitness classes when January hits, whether they’re just getting started with movement or are simply dipping their toes into that particular offering. And these newbies often get a bad rap—the regulars often blame them for everything from crowding the rooms to just not […]