Month: February 2024


Pump Your Biceps Up Using Just Your Bodyweight With These 6 Moves

It’s tough to have brag-worthy arms if your biceps are lagging. But if you think endlessly pumping out bicep curls is the only way to build them, think again. After all, gymnasts flaunt some of the most well-defined arm muscles that an athlete can possess, and most — if not all — of their training […]


10 of the Best Arm Exercises for At-Home Workouts

If sculpted arms and shoulders top your “Most Wanted” list, we’ve got good news. You don’t need a biceps curl machine or cable rope to get a good arm workout at home — you can build sleeve-busting muscle with minimal equipment. “Just grab a set of dumbbells, equally weighted objects, or a set of resistance bands […]


Are You Engaging Your Core Correctly? Here’s How to Tell

You’ve heard the term bandied around at the gym, in yoga classes, or maybe even from your personal trainer: “engage your core.” But what does it really mean? Understanding how to engage your core helps not just with workouts but with your daily activities as well. But before we delve deeper into the how, let’s […]


Caffeine Addiction: Understanding and Overcoming The Issue

Most of us can not go through our days without coffee or tea. The reason is that caffeine is a mild stimulant that affects the central nervous system and increases our alertness and energy levels. Due to that, caffeine consumption is progressive. The addiction is present among many. Also, unlike alcohol and other recreational drugs, […]


5 Vegan Myths That Need to Die (Humanely)

In recent years, veganism has proven that it’s no fading fad: The number of people identifying as vegan continues to rise, plant-based food sales and demand are steadily growing, and recommendations for meat-free living by healthcare giants like Kaiser Permanente and the American Institute for Cancer Research ensure the lifestyle is here to stay. Veganism, in dietary terms, is defined […]


Olympian Gabby Douglas Withdraws From 2024 Winter Cup Due to COVID

Gymnastics fans will have to wait a little bit longer to see Gabby Douglas make her long-awaited comeback: The Olympian announced on Instagram that she will be withdrawing from the 2024 Winter Cup on February 24 after testing positive for COVID-19. “I’m so sad to say that I won’t be competing this weekend,” Douglas wrote […]


Protein Powder: Benefits and Common Myths

Protein powder is a popular choice for many people trying to get fit, lose weight, or just eat healthier. Unlike the common misconception, It is not just for bodybuilders or athletes anymore. Nowadays, you might find it in the pantry of anyone looking to boost their protein intake. But with all the talk about protein […]


Elderberry: The All-Natural, Immune-Boosting Superfood

If elderberry sounds familiar, that’s because you’ve probably seen it as syrup at your local pancake house, in a sweet wine at a spirits shop, or on the shelves of your pharmacy’s supplement section. Here’s everything you need to know about the benefits of elderberry and what elderberry is good for. What Is Elderberry? A […]


What the Hell Is a ‘Butt Wink’—And Is It Really All That Bad?

It seems like there’s a form adage for everything in fitness, especially for common exercises like the squat. Keep your chest up. Put your weight in your heels. And stop the butt wink. Wait, what? If that last one threw you for a loop, you’re not alone. While the butt wink might not be in […]


Insulin Sensitivity: Understanding Blood Sugar Better

Insulin sensitivity might sound like a complicated term, but it’s a crucial part of understanding your health. Insulin sensitivity is especially crucial when it comes to managing weight and preventing type 2 diabetes.  Insulin is a hormone that helps manage the sugar levels in your blood. When your body responds well to insulin, you generally […]