Month: June 2024


What Is the Most Inspirational Fit Female Physique In Cinema?

Demi Moore underwent Navy SEALs training for GI Jane. Lupita Nyong’o swam with dumbbells in preparation for Black Panther. Natalie Portman spent 10 months bulking up for Thor: Love and Thunder. But there’s one cinematic transformation that, more than 30 years later, still rules them all. This is our vote: Linda Hamilton as Sara Connor […]


Sha’Carri Richardson Will Finally Get Her Shot at Olympic Gold

Three years after qualifying for her first Summer Games, Sha’Carri Richardson will finally have the chance to bring home Olympic gold: The track star is set to head to Paris to represent Team USA. On June 22, Richardson finished first in the 100 meters at the US Olympic Track and Field Trials in Eugene, Oregon, […]

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La santé hormonale pour toutes les femmes, à partir du 10 décembre

Si tu as l’impression de ne pas être toi-même, sans savoir pourquoi, cela peut être dû à tes hormones ! Que tu aies tenté de comprendre pourquoi ou que tu penses tout simplement que cela fait partie de la vie d’une femme, tu t’es probablement déjà sentie frustrée face à des symptômes tels que des sautes […]


Hormone health for all women, coming December 10!

If you’re not feeling like yourself and struggling to get answers — it could be your hormones! Whether you’ve been searching for an answer, or just assumed it was part of life as a woman, you have likely experienced the frustration that comes with symptoms like mood swings, hot flashes, brain fog, difficulty losing weight, […]


Hormone Health for All Women, Coming December 10! 

If you’re not feeling like yourself and struggling to get answers — it could be your hormones! Whether you’ve been searching for an answer, or just assumed it was part of life as a woman, you have likely experienced the frustration that comes with symptoms like mood swings, hot flashes, brain fog, difficulty losing weight, […]

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La salud hormonal para todas las mujeres llega el 10 de diciembre

Si no te sientes como tú misma y estás luchando por entender por qué, ¡podrían ser tus hormonas! Tanto si has estado buscando una respuesta como si simplemente has dado por sentado que eso forma parte de la vida como mujer, es probable que hayas sentido la frustración que conllevan síntomas como cambios de estado […]

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Conoce el nuevo Shakeology 0 g azúcares añadidos. Es fenomenal.

Prepárate para reformar tu rutina de bienestar.  Te presentamos Shakeology 0 g azúcares añadidos: un nuevo y delicioso modo de obtener la nutrición con superalimentos que tu cuerpo necesita.   Ahora puedes disfrutar Shakeology 0 g azúcares añadidos en nuestros dos sabores más vendidos: chocolate (vegano a base de plantas o suero de leche) y vainilla (vegano a […]


Meet the New Shakeology 0g Added Sugar. It’s OMG Amazing

Get ready to shake up your wellness routine. Introducing Shakeology 0g Added Sugar — a delicious new way to get the superfood nutrition your body needs.  Now you can enjoy Shakeology with 0g added sugar, in our two bestselling flavors, Chocolate (plant-based vegan or whey) and Vanilla (plant-based vegan).   Plus, you can still enjoy the […]


10 Glute Isolation Exercises for a Firmer, Stronger Booty

Want better results in the posterior department? It’s time to start homing in on your butt muscles with glute isolation exercises. Sure, compound exercises like squats and lunges are the foundation of lower body strength, and they do strengthen your glutes (along with your core, quads, hamstrings, and calves). But if a better butt is […]


Watch: A 15-Minute Pilates Workout Video for Tight Shoulders

If you’ve got achy shoulders, we’ve got the solution: A quick Pilates-based mobility routine that’ll help your cranky joints move more smoothly—and strengthen the surrounding muscles at the same time. The first installment of Sweat With SELF’s new Pilates series is all about upper-body mobility. Sina Riemann, a certified personal trainer and Pilates instructor based […]