Category: Cardio Workouts


What Is a Running Coach — and Should You Get One?

Running coaches are like secret weapons. Whether you’re new to running or gunning for a new race PR, a running coach can guide you through the process, help you sidestep obstacles, and keep you on track from start to finish. Here’s exactly what running coaches do and if you can benefit from one. What Does […]


Walking vs. Running: Which Exercise Is Better for You?

Are you looking for a no-fuss workout in the great outdoors? Maybe one that lets you see the local sights while getting your heart rate up? Unless you acquire some serious gear, your two main choices are walking and running. But which will help you reach your fitness goals in a hurry? That’s a thornier […]


Cardio vs. Strength Training: Which Is Better for Weight Loss?

If you want to lose weight, you’re probably wondering which type of exercise will help you make the most progress: cardio or strength training? There are a few factors to consider when deciding which of the two training methods you should prioritize. But before you can weight hose factors, it’s important to first break down […]


How Good a Workout Is Walking, Really?

Walking is arguably one of the easiest, most accessible ways to get moving. But, is walking good exercise? Can you really lose weight by walking? After all, nowadays, it seems the most popular workouts are all about going hard, cranking up the intensity, and more or less being reduced to a shaking puddle of sweat […]


8 Ways to Make Running Less Boring

There are many good reasons to pick up running. It’s beginner-friendly and requires zero equipment, and the benefits of running extend far beyond the asphalt or treadmill. So why don’t you see more people out for a morning or midday run? Boredom may play into it. “Whether you’re new to running or a seasoned veteran, […]


Don’t Underestimate Walking! Here Are 11 Benefits

In fitness, we tend to underrate the basics: getting enough water, sleeping enough hours, and yes, walking enough steps. As simple as it is, walking — which requires no training or special equipment — can have a big impact on your mind and body. Brisk walking counts as cardio, but you don’t have to pick […]


How Many Calories Does Indoor Cycling Burn?

You love the challenge and energy of your indoor cycling workouts, but you’re not sure how much they’re moving you toward your fitness goals. If you’re someone who likes to know how much you’re eating and burning in a day, you’re probably wondering how many calories are burned cycling (in an average indoor cycling session). Here’s […]


Work Your Entire Backside With the Kettlebell Swing

The kettlebell swing is one of the best exercises around which you can program a circuit workout. The exercise targets the posterior chain and quickly raises your heart rate, making it a full-body strength and cardio exercise. But to reap the benefits of the kettlebell swing (and not get injured), you need to learn proper […]


How to Do Skater Jumps for Better Strength, Agility, and Balance

Skater jumps — also known as skater hops, side skaters, and skater steps — are like the burpee version of side lunges, making them a staple move in many high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts. As a plyometric exercise, skater jumps are a great cardio- and strength-building move; perform just a few reps and you’ll experience a […]


The Fix for Your Knee Pain Is… Walking Backward?

Not since the advent of the moonwalk has walking backward had such a moment. TikTok and Instagram are filled with videos of physical therapists and fitness influencers touting the benefits of walking backwards, aka retro walking. You may have also noticed people at the gym (and not just that one attention-seeking weirdo) walking backwards on […]