Category: Cardio Workouts


How a Running Pace Chart Can Help You Train Smarter

Once you’ve run a few 5K races, you’re probably ready to focus on cutting time or maybe even lengthening distance. Either way, you’re not interested in simply crossing the finish line anymore — you want to go farther and/or faster than you’ve gone before. In order to accomplish your new running goal, you need to start paying attention […]


Is 10,000 Steps a Day Enough for Weight Loss?

Nearly every smartwatch is pre-programmed for a 10,000-step goal, so it might seem like that’s what we need to aim for every day. But if you’re walking for weight loss, you might wonder, How many calories does 10,000 steps burn? And how many miles is 10,000 steps equivalent to? And is this really enough exercise […]


Dumbbell Thruster: The Ultimate Strength and Power Booster

Combine a front squat with a push press and what do you get? Dumbbell thrusters. Also called dumbbell squat thrusters, this exercise works your entire body, giving you a metabolic boost in addition to increasing strength and cardiovascular fitness. Maybe that’s why you see so many dumbbell thrusters in CrossFit workouts. Ready to add dumbbell thrusters to your workout? […]


What Is the Average Walking Speed and Can You Improve It?

Walking is a low-impact form of cardio that’s accessible and affordable. To reap the benefits of walking, though, you’ll want to take note of your average walking speed and aim to keep a brisk pace. That’ll vary based on your fitness level, but at least 100 steps a minute is a reasonable goal, according to researchers. Your […]


Help Your Results off the Bike With the Right Cycling Diet

Whether you opt for the open road or a stationary bike, it’s easy to fall in love with cycling. The sport offers a myriad of benefits — from improved endurance to mood-boosting endorphins — that are only amplified by a healthy cycling diet. Nutrition for cycling isn’t unlike most other healthy, balanced diets. It’s based on […]


7 Reasons Why You Should Do Swim Workouts

Not only is swimming a beloved summertime activity, there are also tons of benefits of swimming. Whether you head for the pool or open water, swimming offers a great full-body workout. It’s an effective way to get your weekly 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio, as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Here […]


Build Strength and Endurance Simultaneously With Circuit Training

If you’ve ever taken a group fitness class or done an online workout program, chances are you’ve done some form of circuit training. A great way to mix cardio and strength training into one effective routine, circuit training packs a lot of work into a short period of time — and you often don’t even […]


How to Set Goals for Your Cycling Routine — and Crush Them

If you’re ready to get serious about cycling, your first move is to set some goals. “Goal-setting is the most important component of any fitness program, because your goal defines what you do,” says Melanie Melillo, CPT. In the case of cycling, what you hope to accomplish — weight loss, fitness, performance — will ultimately […]