Category: Chest Workouts


Maximize Growth in Your Upper Body With a Push Day Workout

Adding structure to your fitness routine can make your workouts more purposeful and efficient, minimize the risk of injury, and yield even better results. One simple way to do this is a rotating daily schedule of push, pull, and leg workouts. What Is a Push Day? As the name suggests, a push day workout consists of […]


Diamond Push-Ups: Instructions, Progressions, and Tips

As bodyweight exercises go, it’s hard to find fault with the push-up. It’s convenient, challenging, functional, and it builds muscle without beating up your joints. Among the countless variations of this classic move (e.g., T push-up, clapping push-up, archer push-up, decline push-up, offset push-up, etc.), diamond push-ups are one of the simplest and most accessible. But that doesn’t […]


How to Do the Triceps Dips Exercise

There aren’t many bodyweight movements that mobilize as much upper-body muscle as the triceps dip exercise. Spanning two joints and four major muscles, classic bar dips are an incredibly simple and effective way to build muscle and strength in your triceps, chest, shoulders, and back — as long as they’re performed safely and correctly. Here’s how […]


Build a Superheroic Upper Body With These Bodyweight Chest Exercises

To develop a killer physique and a strong, functional upper body, it’s important to train your chest. Your pecs play a role in everyday tasks, like carrying heavy things, pushing open doors, getting up off the ground, and even sitting up straighter. Fortunately, you can build your chest muscles — not to mention your triceps, […]


Build a Bigger, Stronger Chest With These Resistance Band Exercises

When you hear “resistance band workout,” a set of jacked pectoral muscles may not be the first image that comes to mind. But resistance band chest exercises — even those that utilize the smallest “mini” band — can effectively build strength and mass in the chest muscles. And, because you can do resistance band chest exercises […]


Skip the Gym — Work Your Chest and Triceps at Home With These 7 Moves

You can get a great chest and triceps workout at home without weights — take it from Robert Herbst, a 19-time World Champion powerlifter and member of the AAU Strength Sports Hall of Fame. His go-to move for strengthening the chest and triceps at home? Standard push-ups. “The best home exercise for chest and triceps is push-ups, as […]


Don’t Do Knee Push-Ups — Try These Modifications Instead

We should all be doing push-ups. They’re effective, functional, and may even be an indicator of heart health. But if you struggle with the full expression of the exercise, you might look to modified push-ups, like the knee push-up. Modified push-ups are a suitable substitution for any workout that includes standard push-ups. BODi Trainer Kelsey […]


Push-Ups Getting Stale? Try These 17 Variations

If you want to hit loads of muscles in a single rep, you can’t do much better than a standard push-up. But the base move is just the beginning. To see new gains in strength, muscular development, and mobility, there are dozens of push-up variations to try. Push-ups come in many different forms, making it […]