Category: Cooking Tips


Is It OK to Eat the Same Thing Every Day?

Perhaps you find cooking a rewardless chore. Or maybe strict eating habits serve your goal of a fitter, leaner body. As distinctly different as these two types may seem, many people within each have adopted the same strategy: Eat the same thing every day. But can you really repeat the same food every day — […]


8 Easy Ways to Eat More Protein Every Day

Getting enough protein in your diet isn’t always easy. The average person needs about 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day, which amounts to around 58 grams per day for a 160-pound person. And if you’re working out regularly and looking to put on muscle mass, you’ll need even more than that — about […]


7 Must-Add Ingredients for Your Protein Shake

When it comes to meeting goals like losing weight, building muscle mass, and getting your nutrition on track, protein shakes can be a big part of your strategy. As a macronutrient, protein has numerous benefits. But it’s not always easy to get the right amount every day. That’s where protein shakes can come in handy, says Natalie Allen, […]


7 Best Substitutes for Sour Cream (Nondairy Included!)

Soured on sour cream? Whether you’re trying to avoid dairy or simply don’t like the sour stuff, we have a list of the best sour cream substitutes so you still enjoy some tangy, creamy goodness in your favorite dishes. We get it — if you’re a sour cream fan, cracking the foil seal on the […]


How to Cook Chicken Breast: 9 Easy Cooking Methods

When you cook chicken breast, is it bursting with flavor? Does it make you excited to sit down to a nutritious, protein-packed meal? If your answers to those questions were “not really” and “meh,” it might be time to learn how to cook chicken breast the right way. If you’re a meat-eater, chicken breast is […]


Why You Shouldn’t Wash Raw Chicken

As with raw eggs, uncooked chicken can contain salmonella and other disease-causing germs. So should you wash chicken before cooking it? For years, experts have urged caution and good hygiene practices when handling raw pieces of the bird. Many people thought they were doing precisely that by washing their chicken before cooking. Then, in 2019, […]


Fall in Love With Autumnal Flavors by Learning How to Cook Acorn Squash

Acorn squash is a kind of winter squash with a dark green rind and golden-orange flesh. It’s shaped like an acorn and might be just as tough! Earlier civilizations were known to roast whole acorn squash in outdoor clay and brick ovens. But don’t be put off by the tough exterior — we’ll share tips on how […]


How to Sweeten Food With Bananas Instead of Sugar

Craving sweet food is natural, but consuming lots of added sugar isn’t. Too much of it in your diet can lead to poor digestion and moodiness and negatively impact your overall health. So if you’re cutting down on added sugar, learning how to use bananas as a sweetener can go a long way. Ripe bananas […]


6 Ways to Give Your Old Produce a Second Life

We’ve all been there. You open the fridge, and stare inside at what has become ugly produce: a bag of spinach that’s seen better days, blueberries that are starting to soften, and a lone bell pepper that’s a bit wrinkly. What do you do with those less-than-fresh fruits and vegetables? Do you A. Pitch them […]