Category: Core Workouts


Round Out Your Core Routine With the Russian Twist

If your core workouts are all about bending with crunches and holding it right there with planks, it’s time to add the Russian twist to your routine. “In life, we use many movements that include all planes of motion, one of which is rotation,” says Cody Braun, C.S.C.S. He explains that rotation is one of the most undertrained movement patterns […]


Strengthen and Shred Your Midsection With the Oblique V-Up

Want a convenient way to work some of the most neglected muscles in your core? Look no further than the oblique V-up. Most exercisers think the core is another word for your rectus abdominis, or the “six-pack muscles” on the front of your abdomen. Just as essential, however, are your obliques — the sheets of muscle […]


Take Your Planks to the Next Level With the Stability Ball Knee Tuck

If you’re looking for a killer core workout that challenges your balance and gets every abdominal muscle engaged, look no further than your exercise ball. One of the best ways to use it: stability ball knee tucks — also known as a jackknife. (And once you’ve nailed this one, here are other stability ball exercises to […]


Need to Amp Up Your Abs Routine? Try Flutter Kicks

If you’re bored with crunches and have already experimented with every imaginable plank variation, try switching up your ab exercises with flutter kicks, also known as butterfly kicks. Just as effective as leg lifts, flutter kicks offer a more dynamic (and maybe even more fun) alternative to the typical ab exercise. And if it’s a defined midsection you’re after, […]


Score Your Core With the Pilates Teaser

In a well-rounded Pilates program like XB Pilates, most moves will work your entire body, especially your core. However, there are a couple of standout exercises that have become classics for good reason. One of these is the Pilates teaser, a major core burner you can do anytime, anywhere. “The teaser challenges both balance and core […]


How to Do a Pilates Roll Up

The Pilates roll up is one of those sneaky strength moves. It looks simple and straightforward — you’re sitting up and lying back down. But when executed with proper form and mechanics, this foundational exercise will humble even the most advanced Pilates student. “While it is considered a staple, it is not a beginner exercise,” […]


Are You Engaging Your Core Correctly? Here’s How to Tell

You’ve heard the term bandied around at the gym, in yoga classes, or maybe even from your personal trainer: “engage your core.” But what does it really mean? Understanding how to engage your core helps not just with workouts but with your daily activities as well. But before we delve deeper into the how, let’s […]


How to Do the Squat Jack for Quad, Glute, and Core Strength

Squats are popular for a reason. No matter which variation you choose, they not only help build a stronger lower body, but also fire up your core and increase range of motion when performed correctly. Jumping jacks, too, deserve the esteemed reputation they’ve had with fitness since, well, forever. They build stamina, burn calories, and boost cardiorespiratory endurance. What’s more […]


How to Do the Crab Walk

If you were the MVP of your “crab soccer” team in elementary school, you’re in luck — the crab walk exercise is back. Dust off those crab-walking skills and see how this old-school exercise can give you a great total-body workout. Crab Walk: Step-by-Step Instructions Sit on the ground and bend your knees so the […]


How to Do the Farmers Walk Exercise to Work Your Whole Body

Ever seen someone at the gym grab a pair of dumbbells off the rack and just… take them for a walk? They’re doing a move called the farmer’s walk exercise — or, more generically, the loaded carry. And there’s more to the move than meets the eye. “The farmer’s walk is about as functional as […]