Category: Fitness Tips


72 Weightlifting Terms You Need to Know

To the neophyte, strength training is straightforward: pick up a weight, put it down, get strong. Spend a few weeks or months on the internet or chatting up your new fit-buddies, and you come to realize there’s a whole lot of science, art, and jargon behind the apparent simplicity: compound exercises; plyometrics; supination; RPE; 1RM; […]


The Fix for Your Knee Pain Is… Walking Backward?

Not since the advent of the moonwalk has walking backward had such a moment. TikTok and Instagram are filled with videos of physical therapists and fitness influencers touting the benefits of walking backwards, aka retro walking. You may have also noticed people at the gym (and not just that one attention-seeking weirdo) walking backwards on […]


How Much Activity Should You Get OUTSIDE of Exercise?

You know exercise is essential for weight loss and overall health, but it’s not an express pass to your goals. Even if you work out an hour a day, there are 23 more — and you can’t afford to be sedentary for all of them. That’s where non-exercise activity thermogenesis, often referred to as NEAT exercise, […]


Getting Started With Fitness? Follow Jen Widerstrom’s 5 Top Tips for Success

What’s the hardest fitness move of all? Forget about complicated cardio combinations, heavy weights, and endurance races. For a lot of us, the hardest move is the first one — getting started. If you’re a beginner and looking to take that first step, we brought in the expert: fitness influencer, trainer on The Biggest Loser, […]


How Do You Know if You’re Pushing Yourself Too Hard?

There’s no denying that sometimes pushing outside your comfort zone is exactly what a workout — and your goals — call for. But consistently exercising at 100 percent could put you at risk of overexertion and even injury. So where do you draw the line? We talked to Jo Gomez, CPT, and Jackie Sharp Womble, MS, RDN, […]


How 11 Exercises Translate Into Daily Life

But if you want to be ready to tackle all the tasks you perform outside your workouts, it helps to perform exercises that resemble those same movements. That’s why football linemen smash tackling dummies and prizefighters punch heavy bags: You get better at the things you practice. Trainers call this the “SAID” principle, or Specific Adaptation to […]


Do You Need to “Feel the Burn” to Get Results?

Feel the burn! It’s a common refrain in fitness — as ubiquitous as reminders to pay attention to your breath or engage your core. But what exactly is happening in your body when you “feel the burn” during exercise? And is it a sensation you should chase with every workout? What Causes Your Muscles to Burn […]


Deload Week: How Slowing Down Can Speed Up Your Results

Do you remember the last time you dialed back your workouts? Not because you had to, but because you decided to? If the answer is no, you’re overdue for a deload week. In a deload week — or, more simply, a deload — you purposely back off on your training a bit to allow body and mind — muscles, […]


Can You Really Catch Up on Sleep?

There’s nothing more important than sleep for a healthy mind and body — but sometimes, getting enough can prove elusive. Work, friends, family, stress, meal prep, workouts, and late-night Netflix binges can all get in the way of a solid night’s sleep. After so many restless nights you may wonder: How do you catch up on sleep? […]


Does Cardio Kill Muscle Gains?

Cardio can be scary for any guy or gal looking to build serious muscle. After all, the idea that cardio kills gains has been circulating around the weight room for years. So, is it bad to do cardio if you’re trying to build muscle? The answer: only if you do it the wrong way. Read on […]