Category: Health


Balancing Blood Sugar with Smart Carb Strategies

We’re all aware that carbs have the potential to spike your blood sugar levels, but what if I told you that making small changes to the carbs you consume can actually make a significant difference? To make smarter carb choices, it’s important to understand the Glycemic Index (GI). The GI ranks carbohydrates based on how […]


Normal Body Temperature: Knowing The Basics

Body temperature is a term that represents the naturally occurring temperature range generated by the human body. Any deviation from this range signifies the body’s response to internal issues, potentially arising from factors such as excessive physical exertion, inadequate nutrition, or the presence of an underlying medical condition. The body temperature is a vital part […]


Quick and Effective Headache Remedies You Need to Know

Headaches are a common problem affecting people of all ages and backgrounds. They come with a broad spectrum of symptoms, from the dull, persistent ache of tension headaches to the unbearable pain of migraines. Headaches, whether they take the form of tension, migraines, or clusters, have the potential to inflict intense pain, disrupting daily life […]


Humidifiers: Improve Your Home’s Air Quality for Health

As winter approaches and temperatures drop, our quest for warmth and comfort becomes universal. Humidifiers, which can also be in the form of houseplants, play a vital role in creating a cosy indoor environment during the colder months. These devices work by adding moisture to the air, a process called humidification. This not only imparts […]


How to Detox Your Body: A Simple Guide

Detoxes and cleanses are regimens, diets, or therapies aimed at eliminating toxins and promoting health and are often associated with weight loss. These approaches include fasting, consuming only specific beverages or foods, using supplements and herbs, colon cleansing, or saunas.  Detox diets are popularly believed to offer various benefits, including reducing bloating and addressing chronic […]


How to Fall Asleep Fast: 11 Simple Hacks

Sleep is a physiological behaviour that is crucial for a healthy life. It is vital for survival, forming around one-third of a human life, and every body organ and tissue needs sufficient sleep to function effectively. Prolonged insufficient sleep leads to severe physical impairment followed by psychiatric ailments, cognitive loss and eventually death. But the […]


Understanding Normal Blood Glucose Levels After Eating

Maintaining healthy blood glucose levels is a vital aspect of overall well-being, particularly for individuals with diabetes. The way our blood sugar responds after a meal can provide crucial insights into our health. Whether you have diabetes or not, understanding what constitutes normal blood glucose levels after eating is essential for making informed dietary choices […]


Carbonated Water: All Things Good and Bad

Carbonated water is a refreshing beverage which can be considered an excellent alternative to sugary soft drinks. Infusing carbon dioxide in water under pressure produces carbonated water. This infusion of carbon dioxide gives a fizzy feel to carbonated water. Along with carbon dioxide, sometimes a certain amount of other minerals are also included in carbonated […]


Dangerous Heart Rate: Know The Rhythm Of Your Heart

The heart is a vital organ that beats tirelessly, ensuring the body gets oxygen and other nutrients it needs. The heart rate, often referred to as the pulse, measures the number of times the heart beats per minute (bpm). The average/regular heart rate for adults (15 years and older) is 60 to 100 beats per […]


Coffee and its Health Benefits: A Detailed Guide

Coffee is an appreciated and indispensable aspect of daily life for most people out there. For them, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee signals the start of the day. A warm cup of coffee is quite relaxing, and the caffeine in it makes one feel energised. But is drinking coffee good for health? Yes, consuming […]