Category: healthy diet


Does Eating Sugar Cause Diabetes? Here’s Your Answer

Sugar has been a staple in human diets for centuries. Starting from the days when our ancestors found sweetness in fruit to today’s vast array of sugary foods and drinks. The way we consume sugar has drastically changed. Our ancestors found their sweetness in fruits, which is a natural source. However, today, our sugar consumption […]


A Nutritionist’s Guide to Plant Based Eating

Nutrition Shraddha Singh February 1, 2024 In a world brimming with diverse dietary choices, adopting a plant based lifestyle has gained remarkable traction, driven by a deep desire to nourish our bodies, protect the planet we call home, and uphold a sense of compassion for all living beings. A plant based diet is focused on […]


Effects of Sugar on The Body: An Extensive Guide

Sugar is a feel-good ingredient, and we reach for it unconsciously. It uplifts our mood and makes food a celebratory thing. Most of us eat desserts after meals. Similarly, we equate breaks with cookies, cakes, and beverages like tea and coffee with milk and sugar.  Unfortunately, excessive sugar intake can trigger neuroadaptations in the reward […]


National Almond Day: 4 Healthy Almond Recipes to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth

On January 23rd National Almond Day shines a spotlight on the goodness of almonds, frequently cherished for their delightful, versatile, and nutritious contributions to the diet. Almonds bring a delightful crunch to breakfast favourites like oatmeal, serve as a handy on-the-go snack, and transform into creamy almond butter or delicious almond milk when you are […]


Post-workout Nutrition: 5 Foods for a Protein Boost

Working hard at the gym is great only if you support it with adequate time for muscle recovery. As muscles use up stored glucose during exercise, making proper recovery is vital. Striking the right balance by including proteins and carbohydrates is necessary. Let’s set aside the buzz surrounding sports drinks or contrast water therapy and […]


This Festive Season Learn About 3 Exciting Additions to Make Healthy Desserts

During the festive season, desserts take centre stage in Indian households, delighting our taste buds and bringing joy to our hearts. However, the sugary indulgence often leaves us with post-celebration guilt and the daunting prospect of following tough diets. This year let’s transform our festive dessert experience by infusing them with wise choices and good […]


Balancing Blood Sugar with Smart Carb Strategies

We’re all aware that carbs have the potential to spike your blood sugar levels, but what if I told you that making small changes to the carbs you consume can actually make a significant difference? To make smarter carb choices, it’s important to understand the Glycemic Index (GI). The GI ranks carbohydrates based on how […]


Veganism: 4 Protein-Rich Foods for a Vegan Lifestyle

The rise of veganism in India can be attributed to a blend of, health consciousness, and ethical considerations. Many are embracing this lifestyle for its potential health perks, such as reducing the risk of chronic ailments like heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. Moreover, sustainability is a key driving force, as veganism aids in addressing […]