Category: Mental Health


What Is Savasana, and Why Is It So Important?

Dealing with stress is an everyday struggle. From money to relationships to work responsibilities, it seems like there’s always something to worry about. Luckily, there are some easy techniques that can help you get a handle on your daily stressors, like the yoga pose savasana. During savasana, you allow yourself to lie in stillness, releasing tension in […]


15 Ways to Treat Yourself — You Deserve It

After grinding at work day after day, looking after family, and dealing with everyday “fire drills,” you need to learn how to treat yourself. But first, here’s why experts say you need to treat yourself. “Treating ourselves is a form of self-care that every one of us deserves to have,” says certified psychiatrist Nereida Gonzalez-Berrios, […]


How to Boost Your Self-Esteem With Exercise

If your self-esteem is in the dumps, you owe it to yourself to lift it up. After all, learning how to build self-esteem will only make you a happier, healthier person. Luckily, improving self-esteem isn’t rocket science. In fact, focusing on just one key habit can help propel you along the path to high self-esteem. […]


Are You an Optimist or Toxically Positive? Spot the Signs

Mindset is a critical, often overlooked component of health — especially as we learn to view health beyond outward appearance. Ditching negative thoughts is a good first step, but replacing them with a “good vibes only” mentality can be equally detrimental, a state of mind referred to increasingly as toxic positivity. A wholesale rejection of […]