Category: Mind + Body


7 Uplifting Yoga Poses to Regain Your Self-Esteem

Yoga has a way of making you feel om-azing, thanks to its many benefits. A regular practice boosts confidence, increases strength, and offers mental clarity on dark days. By working on specific poses or sequences, you get to see how practice leads to progress, giving you the courage to try hard things on and off the mat. […]


Squirrel! For Better Focus, Try These 7 Tips

Feel like you’re always doing something but never accomplishing anything? Between jobs, families, devices, and all the multitasking they demand, some of this is normal. But “normal” can easily become disabling — upending your productivity, sapping your attention span, and messing with your overall Health Esteem. Losing focus, however, doesn’t mean losing out. Read on for […]


Boost Your Willpower Master Class With Kelly McGonigal

What is it that you really want? And how can you support yourself on your journey to get it? Pondering these questions and doing the work to prepare for unexpected challenges along with building a mindset that will help you reach your goals, is a great way to show yourself a little love. In the […]


7 Ways Your Weekend May Be Sabotaging Your Goals

Between seeing to work, health, family, and a cure for cancer (or at least it can feel that way), you deserve an occasional break. And Friday through Sunday is supposed to be your window for relaxation and stress-free fun. But your habits during these 60 or so hours may threaten to undo much of the […]


How to Stop Negative Self-Talk

We’ve all been there — all it takes is one bad workout or a mistake at work, and then the negative self-talk begins. How you react to a stressful situation – and how you talk to yourself afterward – can impact your mental health and well-being. Like Alexa or Siri, your brain is always listening […]


12 Smart Ways to Boost Your Energy Now

Do you ever wake up in the morning feeling already burned out, wondering how to get more energy for the day ahead? And even when we supposedly “gain” an hour every year with Daylight Savings, research shows most of us don’t take advantage of the opportunity to log any extra zzzz’s. Whether you’re wondering how […]


What Is Savasana, and Why Is It So Important?

Dealing with stress is an everyday struggle. From money to relationships to work responsibilities, it seems like there’s always something to worry about. Luckily, there are some easy techniques that can help you get a handle on your daily stressors, like the yoga pose savasana. During savasana, you allow yourself to lie in stillness, releasing tension in […]


Can Mindful Eating Improve Your Quality of Life?

It happens — you get distracted by a work deadline, a true-crime documentary, or a doom-scrolling session, and suddenly you’re staring at the bottom of an empty bag of chips. (Pro tip: This is NOT mindful eating.) If you feel like you’ve been eating on autopilot lately, mindfulness may be the key to getting your healthy eating […]


Calm Your Mind Master Class With Maria Sirois

Can we let you in on a little secret? You have magnificence inside you. We all do. But stress, catastrophizing, and the natural, oh-so-human, negative spin inside our brains keep us from letting it shine for the world to see. And the world is missing out. Let’s make a change. Let’s grant ourselves permission to […]


Ayurveda: What You Need to Know

Ayurveda is often touted as an alternative to traditional medicine, but what exactly it is can be elusive for many people. Is Ayurveda an herb? A religion? A treatment like acupuncture? No, says Siva Mohan, M.D., M.P.H., a professor of yoga philosophy at Loyola Marymount University. “A common misconception is that Ayurveda is just a way […]