Category: Mind + Body


10 Health Myths to Stop Believing Now

“Truthiness,” a word coined by comedian and talk show host Stephen Colbert, refers to the quality of a statement seeming like it’s true, even if there are no facts to back it up. And when it comes to staying healthy and losing weight, there’s a whole lot of “truthy” advice out there. Some of these health […]


How to Boost Your Self-Esteem With Exercise

If your self-esteem is in the dumps, you owe it to yourself to lift it up. After all, learning how to build self-esteem will only make you a happier, healthier person. Luckily, improving self-esteem isn’t rocket science. In fact, focusing on just one key habit can help propel you along the path to high self-esteem. […]


Change Your Brain With Our Mindset Master Class: The Science of Happiness

Yes, you read that right. Happiness is so important to our daily lives that researchers have developed an entire field of study around it. Scientists have explored what it takes to create a well-lived life and researched strategies to help us create more ease, feel more comfortable in our skin, and achieve an overall sense […]


10 Things You Don’t Know About Petra Kolber

We asked Petra Kolber, VP of Personal Development and Mindset at BODi, to answer 10 questions to help you get to know her better.   She’s a dancer, choreographer, writer, author of The Perfection Detox, global workshop leader, keynote speaker, and a Positive Psychology Performance Coach.  Find out how Petra started her career, her Health Esteem […]


Ignite Your Spark With Mindset on BODi

If you’ve ever taken a deep breath before jumping into a difficult task, struck a power pose before an important meeting, or jotted down three things you’re grateful for before sleep, then you already know. You know that a positive mindset can make all the difference in your day, your week, and your life. But, […]


Ashwagandha and Its Health Benefits

If you keep up with the latest wellness trends, it might seem like ashwagandha is everywhere these days. This adaptogenic herb is native to India and has been widely used for millennia. Now, you can find ashwagandha on trendy coffeehouse menus — sometimes mixed with chai for a chilled-out latte — as well as in […]


6 Simple Ways to Shift Your Mindset for Good

Whether it’s setting a goal or overcoming a challenge, mind over matter is a powerful tool. It often comes down to a mindset shift in the everyday words we say to ourselves, like “can” versus “can’t.” Sometimes we may not even realize we need a mindset shift — and it’s a little deeper than just […]


BODi: The World’s First Health Esteem Platform Is Coming Soon

You’ve heard the big news about BODi — here’s what’s up… There’s something wrong with the fitness and diet industry. For that matter, there was something wrong with Beachbody.  We took a look at weaknesses within the industry and saw people were rejecting the corner gym, that new diet, that personal trainer, and even Beachbody […]


How the Body Positivity Movement Can Change How We See Ourselves

Being motivated to get healthy for reasons other than to change one’s physical appearance isn’t uncommon these days – but that hasn’t always been the norm. For that, we can thank the body positivity movement. “Body positivity is the idea that you feel good and love the body that you have, regardless of size, shape, […]