Category: Nutrition


Monk Fruit vs Stevia: How Do These Zero-Calorie Sweeteners Compare?

Whether you’re practicing a low-carb or keto lifestyle or merely trying to cut back on the sweet stuff, sugar substitutes like monk fruit and stevia extract are good choices to sweeten your foods without the added carbs and calories. We know how harmful too many added sugars can be in your diet, potentially contributing to all sorts of health complications. […]


Why and When You Should Use an Electrolyte Supplement

Hydration and exercise go hand-in-hand. But is that trusty water bottle filled with regular H2O enough? Or could you benefit from an electrolyte supplement like Beachbody Performance Hydrate? Here’s what the experts say. What Are Electrolyte Supplements? “Hydration supplements are additives put in water to facilitate or enhance your body’s natural ability to absorb water quickly […]


7 Best Substitutes for Sour Cream (Nondairy Included!)

Soured on sour cream? Whether you’re trying to avoid dairy or simply don’t like the sour stuff, we have a list of the best sour cream substitutes so you still enjoy some tangy, creamy goodness in your favorite dishes. We get it — if you’re a sour cream fan, cracking the foil seal on the […]


Get Gains With Greens: 7 Vegetables High in Protein

When most people think of plant-based protein, they picture vegan protein powders, nuts, beans, and quinoa. But did you know there are a number of other high-protein vegetables that you might not have considered? Whether you’re vegan and trying to get enough protein, or you’re really pushing protein to maximize your fitness gains, adding vegetables high in protein […]


Water Fasting: Is it Worth the Hype?

Water fasting, a practice that involves abstaining from all food and beverages except water, has surged in popularity. Endorsements from health enthusiasts and influencers alike drive this popularity. Often lauded for its potential to accelerate weight loss and promote detoxification, this fasting method is not without controversy. With its roots stretching back to ancient traditions […]


Orthorexia: Signs, Symptoms, and Solutions

Knowing how different foods affect your body can be good for your health. But when this interest becomes an obsession with only eating “healthy” or “clean” foods and feeling intense fear about eating anything labelled “junk” or “bad,” it is called orthorexia nervosa. Orthorexia is a pathological fixation on eating only “pure” or “clean” foods. […]


Quercetin: A Mighty Lesser-Known Nutrient

Bioflavonoids play a crucial role in the daily diet because they have antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, they are utilised in the food industry to preserve foods, add colour and flavour, and make dietary supplements. Quercetin, found in over twenty plant products, is one such important bioflavonoid. It is one of the most […]


Now Available: Shakeology’s New High-Protein Hot Sauce!

The information provided on this website (including the Blogs, Community pages, Program Materials and all other content) was originally intended for a U.S. audience. Regulations in your country may vary. +Results vary depending on starting point, goals and effort. Exercise and proper diet are necessary to achieve and maintain weight loss and muscle definition. The […]


Reverse Dieting: Understanding the Concept

Engaging in severe calorie restriction for rapid weight loss has long been a conventional dieting trend. However, such an approach is not sustainable in the long term, as the human body is not designed for prolonged restriction. Therefore, people are exploring a new post-diet eating strategy known as reverse dieting to achieve their desired physique […]


Understanding Corporate Wellness Program: More than Just a Perk

In a VUCA world, the need to prioritise employee well-being cannot be overstated. They are not just crucial for attracting and retaining top talent, but the right corporate wellness program can improve overall productivity and employee satisfaction.  Corporate wellness programs are now becoming critical in the overall employee welfare narrative. They’re vital for drawing in […]