Category: Other Fitness


What Is the Most Inspirational Fit Female Physique In Cinema?

Demi Moore underwent Navy SEALs training for GI Jane. Lupita Nyong’o swam with dumbbells in preparation for Black Panther. Natalie Portman spent 10 months bulking up for Thor: Love and Thunder. But there’s one cinematic transformation that, more than 30 years later, still rules them all. This is our vote: Linda Hamilton as Sara Connor […]


What It’s Like to Take a Barre Class

Among the fitness trends I’ve been eager to try, barre class ranked high on the list. The ballet-inspired workout has gained a massive following in recent years, with its main claim to fame being the ability to strengthen and sculpt your muscles to dancer status. The promise of developing dancer-like anything was motivation enough for me to […]


Suns Out, Guns Out: The 6 Coolest Outdoor Gyms Around the World

What could be better than a blood-pumping, heart-racing, endorphin-crushing workout? One with a sweet view. Outdoor gyms are becoming a more popular option amongst the active crowd who still wants to get their swole on in the sun. Whether it’s on a white sandy beach, overlooking a mountain range, or simply a stop at the […]


Deload Week: How Slowing Down Can Speed Up Your Results

Do you remember the last time you dialed back your workouts? Not because you had to, but because you decided to? If the answer is no, you’re overdue for a deload week. In a deload week — or, more simply, a deload — you purposely back off on your training a bit to allow body and mind — muscles, […]


What These 12 Movies Taught Us About Fitness

When Rocky Balboa ascended the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, it was more than just a moment of triumph for the downtrodden (and the birth of a million tourist Instagram photos) — it was the moment that cemented the training montage as an integral part of action movies, sports films, and thrillers for […]


These Embarrassing Exercises Are Extremely Effective

There are different types of gymtimidation. You’re probably aware of the most significant one: feeling like you don’t know what you’re doing and don’t fit in with the people who do. But it can also be quite intimidating to rep out awkward exercises like the fire hydrant or donkey kick where everyone can see you like there’s […]


Improve Your Mobility With Spider Lunges

Spider lunges might sound like some tricked-out maneuver that requires sprouting four extra limbs. Fortunately, it isn’t that complicated, and extra-fortunately, you don’t have to grow four more appendages. In reality, the spider lunge is a next-level mobility exercise that can help to increase flexibility, warm up your lower body, and ease tension in your hips, […]


Push-Ups Getting Stale? Try These 17 Variations

If you want to hit loads of muscles in a single rep, you can’t do much better than a standard push-up. But the base move is just the beginning. To see new gains in strength, muscular development, and mobility, there are dozens of push-up variations to try. Push-ups come in many different forms, making it […]


6 Stretches Every Cyclist Needs Before and After a Ride

One way to make indoor cycling workouts even more effective is to focus on your warm-ups and cooldowns. That’s where stretches for cyclists come in, especially if you focus on key moves that target your lower body. “Stretching before cycling increases performance by preparing the body for the stress of working out, and post-cycling stretches can […]


The Best Seated Workout For When You Have a Lower-Body Injury

So much fitness advice boils down to one simple command: Get off your butt and move. But what happens when you’re dealing with muscle soreness or a lower-body injury? Can you still do cardio or build muscle with seated workouts? Are seated workouts actually worth your time? Yes, says trainer Alexis Craig, CPT, as long as you’ve sought […]