Category: Other Fitness


4 Reasons Why Your Joints Crack and How to Prevent It

If any type of movement — lifting weights, flowing through a vinyasa, or simply getting up from the couch — is often accompanied by popping and snapping, you might wonder “Why do my joints crack all the time?” Cracking joints can be alarming, but they’re not necessarily a cause for concern. To help you understand […]


Max Heart Rate Is Key to Your Fitness Results: Here’s How to Find It

The concept of a “maximum heart rate” can sound terrifying (what happens if it goes any faster??), but it’s not like a warning light on your dashboard. To the contrary, MHR can be beneficial to ensuring ongoing progress towards your fitness goals. Here’s what max heart rate is, and how to use that number to […]


7 Things Cycling Does for Your Body

Whether you’re powering through an indoor cycling workout or riding through rocky terrain in the great outdoors, cycling can benefit your body from head to toe — and from muscles to mindset. So, exactly what are the health benefits of cycling? Here’s some of what your time in the saddle can do for your body. 1. Builds […]


Here’s What to Know Before You Try Your First Prenatal Workout

Pregnancy brings up a lot of questions in almost every aspect of life, fitness included. For example, if you’re an avid exerciser who’s expecting, are there any safe prenatal workouts? It’s only natural that your protective parenting kicks in well before you get to meet your little one. But how much of your fitness routine […]


Can You Work Out After Getting a Tattoo?

If you’re considering getting a tattoo, or you just got a new one, you may be wondering: Can you work out after getting a tattoo? The short answer: To allow your skin to fully heal, your tattoo artist will likely caution you to avoid strenuous activity for a little while. You don’t need to be a […]


How to Boost Your Self-Esteem With Exercise

If your self-esteem is in the dumps, you owe it to yourself to lift it up. After all, learning how to build self-esteem will only make you a happier, healthier person. Luckily, improving self-esteem isn’t rocket science. In fact, focusing on just one key habit can help propel you along the path to high self-esteem. […]


What Is Proprioception, and Why Is It Crucial to Your Fitness?

When you perform a squat, a dumbbell press or a single-arm curl, you may think you’re training your muscles — but that’s only half the story. You’re also training your proprioceptors. Say what? Proprioception is trainer-speak for the body’s awareness of where it is within its environment, and it’s more complex — and crucial — than you might think. “It’s […]


How Your Ability to Get Up and Down Can Determine Your Health

When you’re looking to gauge your progress with an at-home fitness test, you might rely on some of the standard exercises from those presidential fitness tests in P.E. class — like push-ups, pull-ups, and sit-ups. But do you know how easily you can stand up from a seated position on the floor? The answer to this question can […]