Category: Other Nutrition


8 Easy Ways to Eat More Protein Every Day

Getting enough protein in your diet isn’t always easy. The average person needs about 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day, which amounts to around 58 grams per day for a 160-pound person. And if you’re working out regularly and looking to put on muscle mass, you’ll need even more than that — about […]


What Is Dry January and Should You Do It?

Between boozy work parties and your favorite aunt’s homemade eggnog, it’s easy to let December fly by in a cloud of alcoholic cheer. Why not consider committing to Dry January? This increasingly popular trend of abstaining from alcohol for the first month of the year not only offers an opportunity to walk back some of […]


Why Does Your Metabolism Slow as You Age?

Not so fun fact: Your metabolism slows down as you age. But at what age does your metabolism slow down? Why does it happen? And what can you do about it? Research suggests that your metabolism stays relatively stable from age 20 until you hit 60, at which point it begins to slow down. But don’t […]


How to Stop Eating Added Sugar Once and for All

Everybody craves sweets every now and then, but how do you know it’s time to get your sugar habit in check? Is it possible to learn how to stop eating sugar? And — most importantly — do you have to break up with sugar completely and forever? First up, you need to know how to […]


How Many Different Types of Vegetarians Are There?

Plant-based, or plant-forward, eating is probably the most inescapable dietary trend. And it’s not necessarily as simple as just forgoing flesh; new factions are forming within the plant-based umbrella seemingly all the time, making for multiple types of vegetarians. “The main categories of plant-based eating that are studied and well-established are: vegan, lacto-ovo vegetarian, and lacto- […]


How to Transition Off the Keto Diet

The potential for rapid weight loss put the keto diet on the map, but many struggle with its restrictive rules. Between the dreaded “keto flu” and the challenge of the high-fat macro requirements, people who start keto may quickly find themselves wondering how to transition off the keto diet. 5 Tips for Transitioning Off Keto […]


Can the Blue Zones Diet Help You Live Longer?

There are lots of diets that promise to help you lose weight, feel better, and get healthier. But there are only a few cultures whose diet is believed to extend their longevity — the Blue Zones diet. Based on the eating habits and lifestyles of peoples living in classified “blue zones,” the Blue Zones diet — encompassing […]


Orthorexia: What Is It and What Can You Do About It?

Many of us reform our wellness routines in order to look and feel better — but it’s possible to take these efforts too far. For some, this can mean focusing on nutrition to the extent that it becomes harmful, a phenomenon some experts suggest should become an officially recognized eating disorder: orthorexia nervosa. There are a number […]


Can Fiber Water Help You Lose Weight?

By now, most of us know that fiber — like sleep and water — is something we could use more of. It’s been billed a wonder worker for everything from healthy digestion to weight loss. The USDA Dietary Guidelines recommend that women consume at least 22 to 28 grams of fiber per day, and men eat at least […]


The 10 Most Flavorful Light Craft Beers

For the last few decades, fitness fans who grew to love unique and bold beers were left to drink watery, bland light beer from the big guys if they wanted to keep their waists trim. Thankfully for beer lovers, breweries have figured out how to make light craft beers without having to compromise (much) on […]