Category: Shoulder Workouts


Do Your Front Delts Need Extra Training? Here’s What to Know

Should I train front delts? is right up there with Do you even lift? as the most-asked question among gym veterans. So, do you really need front delt exercises in your lifting routine? The front deltoid — that showy strand of muscle on the front of your shoulder — is one of the more prominent […]


8 Side Delt Exercises to Shape Your Shoulders

If you want improve the look of your upper body in a hurry, there are probably no movements more important to perform than side delt exercises. The deltoids — the muscles that lift, rotate, and articulate your upper arms — are visible from virtually any angle and look like halved coconuts on your upper arms […]


Master the Cable Rear Delt Fly for Shredded Shoulders

Want better posture, more strength in pressing movements, more mobile shoulders, and a more impressive-looking upper body — from all angles? There’s a single move that can get you there that you’re almost certainly not doing: the cable rear delt fly. This simple, little-used exercise grows and strengthens the rear delts, a band of muscle […]


5 Rotator Cuff Exercises for Better Strength and Mobility

When shoulder pain and injury in sports and everyday life is discussed, you often hear the term “rotator cuff.” This group of muscles and connective tissues is a common source of shoulder trouble for athletes and weekend warriors alike. Most common in sports and jobs that require repetitive arm motion (e.g., baseball, tennis, carpentry) as […]


Learn the Turkish Get-Up: The Fullest-Body Exercise

The Turkish get-up (or TGU) may very well be the consummate functional, total-body exercise. After all, it leaves roughly zero muscles untouched, hits every plane of movement, gets your heart rate up, and improves total-body strength and stability, explains Cody Braun, CSCS. When you consider that the Turkish get-up is really a flow through about […]


Push-Ups Getting Stale? Try These 17 Variations

If you want to hit loads of muscles in a single rep, you can’t do much better than a standard push-up. But the base move is just the beginning. To see new gains in strength, muscular development, and mobility, there are dozens of push-up variations to try. Push-ups come in many different forms, making it […]


Landmine Press: The Best Shoulder Press You Aren’t Doing

Vertical pressing exercises (meaning, you press weight overhead) can be power players in an upper-body workout. But the problem is that very few people actually have the mobility to properly perform them. That’s exactly what makes the landmine press so genius, says Baltimore-based strength coach Erica Suter, CSCS. When you try to press a weight overhead […]