Category: Strength Training


Maximize Growth in Your Upper Body With a Push Day Workout

Adding structure to your fitness routine can make your workouts more purposeful and efficient, minimize the risk of injury, and yield even better results. One simple way to do this is a rotating daily schedule of push, pull, and leg workouts. What Is a Push Day? As the name suggests, a push day workout consists of […]


Swing, Clean, and Snatch With Amoila Cesar’s Kettlebell Academy

Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast ready to explore new training techniques or a curious kettlebell beginner, Amoila Cesar is here to help you master the fundamentals of kettlebell training.    Amoila’s Kettlebell Academy is a 9-workout series divided into three 30- to 35-minute training blocks. First, you’ll learn how to swing a kettlebell safely and correctly. […]


DIG DEEPER:30 With Shaun T — Coming Soon!

Get ready to DIG DEEPER in 30 minutes with Shaun T’s new mini-program DIG DEEPER:30. This new DIG DEEPER expansion includes six 30-minute workouts, with five strength training workouts to target different muscle groups, plus a new Steady State Cardio workout that gets your heart pumping without jumping. This is a fast, effective way to […]


Cardio vs. Strength Training: Which Is Better for Weight Loss?

If you want to lose weight, you’re probably wondering which type of exercise will help you make the most progress: cardio or strength training? There are a few factors to consider when deciding which of the two training methods you should prioritize. But before you can weight hose factors, it’s important to first break down […]


This Is How Long You Should Rest Between Sets When Strength Training

Many factors go into creating the best workout for your fitness goals. You probably know it’s important to pick the right amount of weight to lift and follow a certain rep and set scheme. But you should also know how long to rest between sets when you’re strength training. “Rest is what allows you to recover […]


Maximize Your Gains by Focusing on Time Under Tension

If you’re serious about putting on size, you should know that the quality of your reps matters just as much as the quantity of them. One of the most effective — and simplest — ways to optimize your training and build muscle is to focus on time under tension. What Is Time Under Tension? Time […]


Learn the Turkish Get-Up: The Fullest-Body Exercise

The Turkish get-up (or TGU) may very well be the consummate functional, total-body exercise. After all, it leaves roughly zero muscles untouched, hits every plane of movement, gets your heart rate up, and improves total-body strength and stability, explains Cody Braun, CSCS. When you consider that the Turkish get-up is really a flow through about […]


The Yin-Yang Workouts That You’ll Want to Pair Together

Humans are creatures of habit. We tend to find a routine that works and stick with it. That’s fine for your daily coffee order, but when it comes to exercise, doing just one type of workout is a surefire way to shortchange your fitness. There’s no single discipline that can offer everything you need to […]


Does Cardio Kill Muscle Gains?

Cardio can be scary for any guy or gal looking to build serious muscle. After all, the idea that cardio kills gains has been circulating around the weight room for years. So, is it bad to do cardio if you’re trying to build muscle? The answer: only if you do it the wrong way. Read on […]


Isometrics: Get Stronger Without Moving a Muscle

If your workouts always have you moving, it may be time to add some isometric exercises to take your results to the next level. “Isometric exercises increase the target muscle’s time under tension, which is a key growth stimulus,” explains Trevor Thieme, C.S.C.S., executive director of fitness and nutrition content at BODi. What Is Isometric […]