Category: Stress


Stressed, Tired, Moody? Find Out if It’s Hormones

Hormonal ImbalanceWhat It Is  //  Symptoms  //  Causes  //  Tips  //  Conclusion Hormone health is a hot topic, and for good reason: Hormonal imbalance is experienced by an estimated 80 percent of women*, and can have profound effects on overall health. Everything from stress, cognition, mood, and energy to weight, skin, digestion, and sleep can […]


Squirrel! For Better Focus, Try These 7 Tips

Feel like you’re always doing something but never accomplishing anything? Between jobs, families, devices, and all the multitasking they demand, some of this is normal. But “normal” can easily become disabling — upending your productivity, sapping your attention span, and messing with your overall Health Esteem. Losing focus, however, doesn’t mean losing out. Read on for […]


6 Sneaky Ways Stress Affects Your Skin

Your diet, sleep habits, and skincare routine aren’t the only factors that can affect your skin. Stress can also play a role in your skin’s health and appearance. With too much stress, red dots on skin can appear, as can wrinkles. For more insight into preventing stress-related skin problems, we spoke with two dermatologists about the […]