Category: Training


Powerlifting Records: How to Compare Your Lifts to the All-Time Greats

Some people had a unique introduction to physical strength. At one point, they may have seen a person lift a heavy weight — whether it was a family member moving an “immovable” piece of furniture, a muscular athlete completing a “bench press challenge” on television, or a superhero hoisting a car overhead to save the […]


Free Weights vs. Resistance Bands: Challenge Your Muscles the Right Way

Whether you’re aiming to sculpt your physique, enhance athletic performance, or simply get through daily challenges a little bit easier, resistance training has been shown to be the key to a more fit life. (1) “Resistance training”, however, is a broad term for many different ways to strengthen your muscles. Most people gravitate toward lifting […]


Squat Stand vs. Power Rack: How to Choose Your Gym’s Command Center

Whether you’re setting up your own home gym or simply trying to figure out where to settle in for your next exercise at the neighborhood fitness center, you’ll likely be confronted with the choice between a squat stand and a power rack. Squat stands consist of two simple metal uprights to support a barbell — […]


10 Benefits of Cardio: Build Your Physique, Health, Performance, and More

Many people who exercise tend to label themselves “lifters” because, well, they lift weights in the gym. However, what some people (conveniently?) overlook is that there’s a whole other world of exercise available to them — cardio training. While the thought of treadmills, ellipticals, recumbent bikes, and assorted machinery might trigger waves of muscle-burning trepidation, […]


How to Do the Barbell High Row for a Powerful, Muscular Upper Back

In a quest for upper back size and strength, and the muscular silhouette that comes with it, lifters are increasingly finding room for a unique rowing exercise in their back-building routines. The barbell high row, sometimes called the wide row, is a bent-over barbell row performed with a distinctive setup and arm path that hammers […]


Your Beginner Barbell Workout: A Starter Plan for Strength and Muscle

Something magical happens near the beginning of every dedicated lifter’s love affair with resistance training. There’s a period of unprecedented gains in strength and size. Some refer to the muscular adaptations realized during this stage as “newbie gains.”  Don’t let the derogatory connotation fool you. Newbie gains are awesome. You’ll hit frequent personal bests, stack […]


Is CrossFit Bad for You? 4 Points to Consider Before Stepping into a Box

In the realm of fitness, few training methodologies have ignited as much debate, and enthusiasm, as CrossFit. CrossFit is characterized by its emphasis on constantly varied functional movements performed at a high intensity. CrossFit workouts typically blend elements from Olympic weightlifting, endurance sports, and gymnastics. Yet, despite drawing from largely niche sports that require relatively […]


How to Do the Lower Chest Cable Flye for Complete Chest Development

When lifters talk wanting to about build a “barrel chest,” they’re often recommended to emphasize the upper portion of their chest muscles. Indeed, this typically neglected body part can create a fuller, more rounded chest. But what if your lower chest actually needs attention or what if you want to harmonize every section of your […]


8 Bodybuilding Poses Explained by a Natural Pro Bodybuilder

So, you enjoy training like a bodybuilder. Excellent. But have you ever stepped on stage and competed? If not, chances are you’re unfamiliar with bodybuilding posing — the specific way bodybuilders are required to display their muscles for comparison. Sure, you might’ve taken a stab at some posing in between sets or after workouts, and […]


How to Use the Chest Press Machine: A Detailed Guide to Build Upper Body Muscle

This may come as a surprise, but you don’t have to barbell bench press. Now, before you write angry letters and launch a protest campaign, listen to the full story. Unless you’re a powerlifter training specifically for competition, there are plenty of exercises that build upper body muscle and strength as effectively as the bench press. […]