Category: Training


The Full-Body HIIT Workout for Quick Conditioning

Many people want to show up to the gym, exercise just enough to achieve their results, and get out ASAP to return to “the real world.” Sure, there are some who use the gym as a meditative space and nearly reach a Zen state after a few dozen sets of moving iron, but that’s not […]


How to Do the Bicycle Crunch for Sharp Abs and Obliques

Ab workouts are one of the few types of exercise that some people are instinctively drawn to whether they’re dedicated lifters or not. Many people use ab exercises as an entry point into some type of regular exercise, which is great. Hopefully they eventually move on to incorporate training their other body parts, but a […]


The Ultimate Chest and Back Workout for Upper Body Muscle

Ready for an efficient workout to build your upper body by creating a more sculpted chest and a more muscular back? Rethink your training week and step away from the usual workout split. Training chest and back in the same session lets you use agonist-antagonist supersets — a high-dollar term for exercise pairings that hit […]


Deadlift vs. Romanian Deadlift: Learn the Best Way to Hit Your Posterior Chain

When it’s time to target your posterior chain — glutes, hamstrings, and lower back — many lifters can be spoiled for choice when it comes to choosing effective exercises. Two of the most popular movements that end up in the spotlight are the classic deadlift and its slightly more focused twin, the Romanian deadlift (RDL). […]


The 5×5 Workout Explained: The Classic Program for Size and Strength

When it comes to training programs, there aren’t too many “plug and play” workouts that virtually guarantee results. More accurately, there aren’t too many programs that promise and actually deliver on those results. The 5×5 workout does, and it has a 60+ year track record of success with a trail of strong, muscular, athletic bodies […]


11 Recovery Tips for Over-40 Lifters

The closer a car gets to having six-figure mileage, the more important basic care and maintenance becomes. Our bodies are, unfortunately, pretty much the same — even more so for those of us who lift weights regularly. Most of us understand that it’s a bad idea to roll back the car’s odometer and pretend everything’s […]


Incline Bench Press vs. Flat Bench Press: Rethink Your Go-To Chest Press

If you hit up your local commercial gym on any given Monday evening, you’ll see that chest training is one of the most popular workouts for many lifters. Two classic lifts regularly used in this high-priority session are the time-tested flat bench press and its close cousin the incline bench press. Whether it’s right or […]


12 Common Muscle-Building Mistakes

The ability to build muscle in response to training is a part of our physiology. It’s deeply encoded in our DNA and persists throughout our lifespan. Meaning, lifters of any age and experience level should be able to add noticeable muscle to their frames. Credit: MDV Edwards / Shutterstock If you’re deliberately and dedicatedly hitting […]


The Best Kettlebell Workouts for Beginners, for Fat Loss, and More

When most people think of a gym, they usually picture a room filled with heavy barbells, a range of dumbbells, and maybe a variety of machines. But, one iron jewel has been dug out of the past and has become increasingly popular over the last 20 years — the kettlebell. This simple-looking “cannonball with a […]


The 9 Best Squat Variations for Size, Strength, and More

While squats are the king choice for leg day, they’re also the bane of many lifters’ existence. Some people simply don’t squat due to negligent programming while they bias toward relatively easier upper body training. Others might not squat because they’ve never learned proper technique and they can’t get comfortable with the movement.  Credit: Bojan656 […]