Category: Vitamins & Supplements


Are Protein Powders Worth Your Money?

Protein powder is made to be a convenient, tasty way to get protein you need on the go — simply mix the powder with water, milk, or in a smoothie, and drink. But is protein powder good for you? And is it just as good — or better — than protein that comes from food? […]


What Are Antioxidants? What Do They Do?

Antioxidants are one of those compounds you hear about all the time, but their functions, benefits, and sources aren’t always clear. This article is for everyone who’s ever wondered “what are antioxidants, and am I getting enough of them?” Let’s separate myths from facts and look at which vitamins have antioxidant properties, which foods are […]


Everything You Need to Know About GABA

If you’ve been searching for ways to relieve stress, you may have heard about GABA. But what is it, exactly? And can a GABA supplement really be the key to helping support relaxation? If you can’t remember the last time you weren’t feeling a little stressed out, you may be tempted to add this amino acid to […]


Can This Traditional Chinese Supplement Really Lower Cholesterol?

Whether you’re interested in natural remedies or just looking for ways to support your health, you may have heard about red yeast rice. This dietary supplement is believed to have an impact on heart health — but does it actually work? And is it safe? Here’s a quick rundown on some potential benefits and risks you should […]


Ashwagandha and Its Health Benefits

If you keep up with the latest wellness trends, it might seem like ashwagandha is everywhere these days. This adaptogenic herb is native to India and has been widely used for millennia. Now, you can find ashwagandha on trendy coffeehouse menus — sometimes mixed with chai for a chilled-out latte — as well as in […]


Could Your Brain Use a Nootropics Boost?

Life these days is… a lot. While there’s no way to add more hours to the day or magically erase your to-do list, more and more people are looking for ways to stay at the top of their game. That’s where nootropics, said to help support healthy brain function, mental clarity, and cognition,* come in. […]