Category: Wellness


Stressed, Tired, Moody? Find Out if It’s Hormones

Hormonal ImbalanceWhat It Is  //  Symptoms  //  Causes  //  Tips  //  Conclusion Hormone health is a hot topic, and for good reason: Hormonal imbalance is experienced by an estimated 80 percent of women*, and can have profound effects on overall health. Everything from stress, cognition, mood, and energy to weight, skin, digestion, and sleep can […]


5 Ways to Practice Self-Care This Fall Season

Welcome to fall — cold and flu season is at large, the days are getting shorter, your work schedule is piling up, and all the holidays are looming just over your shoulder. It is time to participate in our fall self-care guide to make it to winter in one piece. “[Fall] is a season where […]


Is Face Yoga a Natural Hack for Younger-Looking Skin?

I’m standing in front of a mirror with my fingers on my cheekbones, pressing down as I smile, release, and repeat — just doing my nightly “cheek lifter” push-ups. While you’ve probably done your fair share of downward dog and cobra pose, you may not have tried a different form of yoga gaining popularity: face […]


Can’t Sleep After an Evening Workout? Follow These Tips to Power Down

You planned to exercise earlier in the day, but life got in the way. Now you finally have time to squeeze in a workout, but it’s getting close to bedtime — and you’re worried that late-night activity will mess with your ability to fall asleep. You don’t want to be on a post-exercise endorphin kick […]


What Is Gua Sha, and Does It Help With Muscle Pain?

You might have seen Instagram influencers scraping their bodies or faces with smooth stones or metal tools to help (as they claim) promote blood flow and range of motion, and even relieve minor pain or soreness. The traditional Chinese medicine practice, called gua sha, is touted as a form of lymphatic drainage massage. But before […]


How Often Should You Meditate to Reap the Benefits?

Let’s get one thing straight right away: You should meditate as often as you like and as often as it fits into your schedule. When trying to set up a meditation practice, “it’s important to be realistic with ourselves and our schedules. Otherwise we just end up not doing it at all,” explains yoga and […]


Conquer Daylight Savings With These Time Change Health Hacks

For many of us, Daylight Saving Time marks a shift to better things: longer days… warmer nights… emptier gyms. But while moving the clock forward prepares us for spring, the resulting lost hour of sleep can wreak havoc on your regimen. Check out our 10 expert-approved transition tips on how to adjust to Daylight Saving […]


7 Breathing Techniques to Help You Sleep Like a Baby

You may not need pills, drinks, or weighted blankets to help you fall asleep faster. You may not even need to spend a cent — simply harness the power of your breath. Certain breathing techniques for sleep may help you get a good night’s rest. Research shows that deep, slow breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous […]


What Are the 7 Chakras? A Beginner’s Guide

You’ve taken a yoga class or two. While you may not think of yourself as a yogi quite yet, you know the difference between mountain pose and chaturanga. But your instructor keeps tossing around one word that throws you off balance (literally!) every time — chakras. Cakra is Sanskrit for “wheel,” and this yoga term refers to an […]


How Long Should You Meditate?

Meditation can feel, well, a lot like doing nothing if you’re new to the practice. Newcomers can feel frustrated or like they’re “failing.” (By the way, it’s impossible to fail at using meditation to combat stress unless you don’t do it at all.) But the benefits of meditation are big for those who consistently show up. So, how much […]