Category: Yoga


What Are the 7 Chakras? A Beginner’s Guide

You’ve taken a yoga class or two. While you may not think of yourself as a yogi quite yet, you know the difference between mountain pose and chaturanga. But your instructor keeps tossing around one word that throws you off balance (literally!) every time — chakras. Cakra is Sanskrit for “wheel,” and this yoga term refers to an […]


How to Do Locust Pose in Yoga (Salabhasana)

Locust pose, or salabhasana, is a belly-down, or prone, yoga posture that stretches your chest, shoulders, and spine. It’s also a backbend that’s suitable for beginners. “Locust pose improves strength and flexibility, and it is thought to reduce the effects of physical stress because it reverses slouching,” says ACE-certified personal trainer Jennifer Fuller, RYT 500. There is […]


Why You Should Do Yoga on Your Recovery Day

So, you’ve got your workout routine down to a science: strength training three days a week, cardio twice, mobility work during Netflix binges. You’re killing it. But as a wise trainer once said, a workout is only as good as your capacity to recover from it. If you hit the gym hard and don’t give equal attention to rest, nutrition, sleep, and other recovery […]


Can You Improve Sleep With Yoga Nidra?

Want to crush it at the gym, in the office, and at home? Start with a good night’s sleep. Rest is crucial for overall health and well-being at all stages of life. With one in three adults reporting “poor” or “fair” sleep, many are exploring yoga nidra to have more restful nights. Having been recorded as far back […]


8 Yoga Backbends to Stretch and Strengthen Your Spine

When you first learn how to do a backbend, you’ll almost immediately feel its benefits on your body, like the relief in the muscles around your spine. But as you progress into deeper, more challenging poses, they can also build more confidence to help you lean out of your comfort zone. “Given that we can’t […]


How to Do Cat-Cow Pose in Yoga (Bitilasana and Marjaryasana)

Cat-cow pose is a great warm-up or cool-down posture. It feels wonderful first thing in the morning, or after a long day spent sitting, or as active recovery from a tough workout. This gentle flow is appropriate for yoga students of all levels and is excellent for the spine. While technically two poses, cat and cow are […]


10 Incredibly Crazy Yoga Poses

Doing yoga is an incredible way to calm your mind, body, and spirit. Its list of benefits runs a mile long, and includes weight loss, better sleep, improved memory, increased flexibility and strength, and even reduced symptoms of anxiety and stress. There’s a lot to love about the practice of yoga, but let’s face it: Some yoga poses can get […]


How to Do Dolphin Pose in Yoga

What do you get when you cross a dog with a peacock? In this case, a dolphin! Also known in Sanskrit as ardha pincha mayurasana, dolphin pose is a preparatory yoga posture for a number of inversions. The pose is essentially downward-facing dog on your forearms. It’s also a setup posture acclimating your arms, shoulders, and […]


The Body Chakras: A Complete Guide for Overall Wellness

The concept of chakras is rooted in ancient Hindu and Buddhist beliefs regarding the physical and subtle aspects of the human body. The physical body comprises visible, tangible matter. In contrast, the subtle body, encompassing the mind and emotions, is composed of imperceptible energy. Going by the concept, spiritual and psychic energies from the subtle […]


Exploring the Health Benefits of Vajrasana

Vajrasana derives its name from the divine weapon “Vajra”, which belongs to Indra, the king of Gods, as per Hindu beliefs. Vajra is one of the most potent weapons in the celestial universe. The pose is so powerful that it gets its name from Vajra, which also means thunderbolt. This posture is integral to a […]