Get to Know Super Blocks: March Is “For Beginners Only”


Whether you’re brand-new to fitness or you’re getting back to it after a break, you’ll want to try the new For Beginners Only Super Block landing in your BODi library next month.

Best of all, it’s free! Keep reading to learn more.

So What Is a Super Block?

By now you’ve probably heard of BODi Blocks — 4 new programs that start on the first Monday of every month.

Each Block features 5 workouts a week for 3 weeks, followed by an “UP Week” (which stands for “Unconditional Progress”) to reset and recover.

A Super Block is when our Super Trainers remake one of their most popular programs in the BODi Block format.

This is your chance to revisit your favorite programs — like 21 Day Fix or T25 — with new workouts, new playlists set to popular music, and an entirely new experience.

It’s all about giving you more of what you love, plus a little push to get you where you want to go.

This year, we’re starting fresh by welcoming Lacee Green as our newest Super Trainer with her own brand-new Super Block!

Why are Blocks such a breakthrough?

They’re based on block periodization, a proven approach to exercise and recovery that challenges you without overtraining.

It’s all about helping you create consistency with your Health Esteem routine.

Your life is busy. Pretending you’re going to work out every day and never eat a cookie is silly.

So, we’re ditching the perfection mindset and bringing you new programs every month that you can actually stick to because they work with real life. Really.

Want to learn more about BODi Blocks and Super Blocks? Click here.

Super Block March Spotlight: For Beginners Only With Lacee Green

Lacee Green

What Is For Beginners Only?

FBO is a way into exercise for beginners! Super Trainer Lacee Green walks you through the basics with precision and patience but always keeps it fun and positive as she guides your cardio, strength, core, and mobility workouts.

You’ll feel empowered with moves you can master, supported by a trainer who shows you anything is possible.

What Kind of Workouts Can I Expect?

Lacee builds you up from your very first workout with expert cues and encouraging words to guide you safely and effectively through a range of exercises.

As you progress into Week 2, she introduces more intensity — but still at your pace — with precise coaching in every move.

You’ll build off these first weeks by taking all the movements you’ve learned and combining them in Week 3.

You can repeat this Super Block with Lacee as many times as you want, or plug into a new BODi Block of For Beginners Only each month.

Do I Need Any Equipment?

You’ll need dumbbells. We recommend light, medium, and heavy — choose weights that challenge you without compromising form. If in doubt, start light!

You’ll also need Resistance Loops. A sturdy chair is optional.

How Do I Know if For Beginners Only Is Right for Me?

This is for you if you need to learn exercise fundamentals and want to fast-track your progress, or if you’re getting back into fitness after a break.

Even if you’re not a beginner and just want to be sure your form is correct, you’ll learn a lot with Lacee’s excellent tips.

Who Is Lacee Green?

Entrepreneur, NASM-certified group fitness instructor, and proud mom Lacee Green has broken multiple glass ceilings.

She’s committed to showing that fitness comes in every shape, size, and color and that every body is beautiful.

You may recognize Lacee as the modifier from #mbf or from her live classes on BODi.

Now she brings her contagious positivity to For Beginners Only, her program for anyone beginning their fitness journey.

With more than a decade of experience helping people live their best lives, there’s no doubt you’ll leave her workouts feeling on top of the world!

Want to know more about Lacee? Click here.

When Can I Access For Beginners Only?

For Beginners Only launches March 6, 2023, exclusively on BODi.

How Do I Access This Super Block?

This Super Block is free with your BODi subscription. For more information on how to access this and future Super Blocks, click here.

2023 Super Block Calendar

Want to know what’s coming up next? Check the Super Block Calendar below and take a look at the phenomenal trainers and hit programs we’ve got lined up for you this year.

Get ready to have fun and feel amazing with tons of variety that keeps you coming back every month!

Collage of BODi Super Blocks

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